"I'll be in college," was Marquel's quick reply.
Randy and I were so thrilled to hear her say this. We talk about college as if it is the expected next step after high school, but we weren't sure that they really comprehended the concept. Any cash that they are given goes into their bank, which is their "college fund".
Marquel continued by asking, "How will I get to college?" We assured her that we would make sure she had a way to get there. "But if I have a car, what if I have an accident?" We realized she had given this a lot of thought!
Considering Marquel's latest school progress report shows 90's with one 86, and taking into account that she has the height and physic of a basketball or volleyball player, we are hoping she can maintain her grades, keep out of trouble and qualify for a college scholarship.
New Survery question: While we do last minute cramming and studying with the girls for their TAKS tests (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills), I found some statistics for Texas that were interesting. Let's see how our girls who had such a poor start in school will measure up!
Vote now!
(See below for girls test results)
Last Survey Results for "Primary Risk factor of Low Income"
According to National Center for Children in Poverty, a primary risk factor for low income is the lack of Parental Education. 67% of those who voted in the survey chose this answer. When you think about this, it makes perfect sense:
- A parent who does not have a high school diploma or GED is destined to low paying jobs
- This parent is more likely to become involved in alcohol/drug abuse as an escape
- Crimes such as theft or drug dealing is more tempting
- Lack of education means lack of access to or understanding of the importance of health care
- As a result, children have low expectations for their own future and model their parent(s), continuing the cycle of poverty
"The most commonly held stereotypes about poverty are false. Family poverty in the U.S. is typically depicted as a static, entrenched condition, characterized by large numbers of children, chronic unemployment, drugs, violence, and family turmoil. But the realities of poverty and economic hardship are very different. . . About 40 percent of Americans will experience poverty at some point in their lives; only a small minority experience multi-generational poverty and chronic dysfunction." from: National Center for Children in Poverty
Statistics like this make us realize how fragile that line can be and how vulnerable we all are.
Now for the girls Reading test results: A score less than 2100 is not passing. A score 2400 or above is commendable. Both girls scored over 2300!!
According to the Children's Defense Fund statistics, 70% of 4th graders in Texas public schools are reading below grade level!